News and Statements

The latest news from the Archbishop of Canterbury.
  1. Jordan

    We must not forget Christians in the Middle East


    Christians in parts of the Middle East are facing the threat of extinction - we must pray and speak up for them, writes Archbishop Justin Welby in the Sunday Telegraph. 

    5 min read
  2. The Community of St Anselm at Lambeth Palace

    Let's rejoice in the renewal of religious life


    Religious communities still face challenges — but there are signs of hope and renewal, writes Archbishop Justin Welby in the Church Times. 

    7 min read
  3. Justin Welby outside the Houses of Parliament

    Making the economy fairer will benefit us all


    Writing in the Daily Mail, Archbishop Justin Welby calls for a fairer society where everyone can flourish and the vulnerable are protected.

    7 min read
  4. Justin Welby at Canterbury Cathedral

    'We need to draw the poison from Brexit', writes Archbishop in Mail on Sunday


    Writing in the Mail on Sunday, Archbishop Justin Welby reflects on the challenges involved in reuniting the country after Brexit. 

    6 min read
  5. Justin Welby at the TUC

    Together we can move closer to the society we, like Jo Cox, want to see


    Writing for Huffington Post, the Archbishop reflects on the legacy of Jo Cox MP and the significance of the Great Get Together weekend. 

    5 min read
  6. national memorial arboretum

    Evil is real, as terror victims know – but goodness can never be defeated


    Writing in the Mail on Sunday, the Archbishop reflects on the memorial to British victims of overseas terrorism, which he will dedicate this week at the National Memorial Arboretum. 

    5 min read
  7. The Archbishop of Canterbury’s 2018 Ecumenical Easter Letter


    Read the Archbishop's 2018 Easter letter to leaders of other Churches and their congregations around the world. 

    3 min read
  8. The Grand Imam visits Lambeth Palace

    The Church gets involved in politics because that's what Jesus did


    Writing for the Huffington Post, the Archbishop explains why following Jesus means getting involved in politics to help serve the common good. 

    5 min read
  9. Justin Welby at Dock Cafe

    Archbishop Justin Welby on Reimagining Britain


    Archbishop Justin Welby sets out the vision of his new book 'Reimagining Britain' in this article for Christian Today. 

    5 min read
  10. Archbishop Justin on visiting Auschwitz

    'It defies description': Archbishop Justin on visiting Auschwitz


    After visiting Auschwitz earlier this week, the Archbishop reflects on recognising and responding to evil.

    3 min read