The God who created the world has acted to save the world from itself. And he has done that in history through the person and work of Jesus Christ. Evangelism is the setting forth of the good news of Jesus so that all can hear and respond.
We aren’t committed to evangelism because we are scared the church is dying. We don’t make known his love because we want to look successful. We announce what God has done in Christ because we are compelled by his love. Everybody must be told. It matters that people don’t know how loved they are by God.
The only way anyone knows of God’s love is because someone tells them and shows them. There is no greater privilege in life than to see God at work in changing lives.

Not every Christian is an evangelist. However every Christian is a witness. A witness is someone who simply says what they have experienced – what they have seen and heard for themselves. And they give testimony to this when they are asked.
Every follower of Christ has witnessed for themselves the abundant love that God has for them, and every one of us is sent in the power of the Holy Spirit to live lives and speak words which tell of that. We do this so that friends and family, colleagues and neighbours can themselves come to witness first hand the goodness of God’s transforming love for them.
Reading the Bible together around the world
Nearly a million people watched the Archbishop's first Facebook Live Bible study with Christians around the world. Catch up here if you missed it: