
Mothers Union members in Uganda

The Archbishop's reconciliation ministry

Blessed are the peacemakers

In a world plagued by conflict and division, the Church has a crucial role to play as a community of peacemakers. Jesus calls every one of us to love God, our neighbours, ourselves – and our enemies. It’s a challenging command, with nobody left out. We’re all given the message and task of reconciliation. The Archbishop’s Reconciliation Ministry encompasses 3 main streams of work:
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The Difference Course

Difference is a course for you to run that explores following Jesus in a complex and divided world, seeing transformation through everyday encounters.

Archbishop Justin speaking at Holy Trinity Hounslow

Why we need reconciliation

A message from Archbishop Justin on why reconciliation is the greatest need in our world today. 



Peacebuilding is creating an architecture through which peace can develop: processes, structures, relationships and values that lead towards - even incentivise - non-violent action and disagreeing well, reducing or removing the drivers of violent conflict.

Women on the Frontline

Women On The Frontline

Women on the Frontline recognises the essential ministry of Bishops’ and clergy spouses across the Anglican Communion. The ministry encourages personal relationship, reconciliation to God through Christ and facilitates training to equip these women to carry out their role in their own contexts.

The Cross of Nails in the ruins of Coventry Cathedral

Father forgive

The Cross of Nails is a symbol of hope and friendship in the aftermath of conflict. 

Watch the Archbishop's previous adviser for reconciliation, Canon Sarah Snyder, talking about why every Christian is called to work for reconciliation: 


"Christ calls us to be peacemakers who cross the borders and barriers that divide us – radical in our generosity and welcome."

Archbishop Justin Welby