Read Archbishop Justin's statement in response to the independent Lessons Learnt Review regarding Father Alan Griffin
The Archbishop has sent a message to the people of South Sudan on the eve of his postponed joint visit with the Pope and the Church of Scotland Moderator.
The Archbishops’ Commission for Racial Justice has released the first of its biannual Racial Justice reports.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has presented HM The Queen with a special 'Canterbury Cross' for Her Majesty's 'unstinting' service to the Church of England over seventy years.
Archbishop Justin has signed a joint letter to The Times on the Government's refugee policy
Read Archbishop Justin's article for Premier Christianity magazine about Christ's call of reconciliation to all Christians.
Archbishop Justin writes for The Guardian about the possibility of peace and building a new world out of brokenness.
The Archbishop is |9999999998|deeply saddened|9999999998| that he will not be preaching at the Service of Thanksgiving for The Queen’s reign at St Paul’s Cathedral on Friday this week.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has spoken of his hopes for the historic “pilgrimage of peace” to South Sudan he will be making with Pope Francis and the Church of Scotland Moderator, saying that God has “not forgotten” the country.
The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Reconciliation Ministry team have launched a “transformative” course for prisons that explores conflict, forgiveness and reconciliation.