Lambeth Awards 2023: Shining a light on outstanding effort and dedication


Lambeth Awards 2023 5

The Archbishop of Canterbury has announced the recipients of the 2023 Lambeth Awards.

An award ceremony was held at Lambeth Palace this afternoon (22nd June 2023) for the 33 recipients, their families and colleagues. It was followed by a special service of Evening Prayer.

The award-winners are from a mix of faith traditions. Some are from the Church of England, but some are from the wider Anglican Communion and others from a mix of denominations and faiths. Some have no faith. 

The Rev. Mark Yan Ying Sum Nam Lambeth Awards 2023
The Rev. Mark Yan Ying Sum Nam Lambeth Awards 2023

This year’s recipients include poets, educators, activists, clergy, peacemakers as well as many unsung people who have dedicated their working lives to the promotion of faith and in the service of God’s witness. Those recognised today work all over the world, as well as the UK. Some are working in New Zealand, Egypt, Russia, Italy, Australia, the USA and the Solomon Islands, or have done so in the past. 

The Archbishop said, “We live in a troubled world, where all around us we see conflict, war, discrimination, division, poverty and deep inequality, but our faith in Jesus gives us hope. We see that hope exemplified in the wonderful service of the people we have recognised today.”  

“Many of the people who have received awards today have worked unseen and unsung, striving for justice, peace, reconciliation, advances in education, worship and prayer.  Not all are followers of Jesus Christ, but, through their endeavours, they have made significant contributions to the mutual respect and maintenance of human dignity, which is so vital to spiritual and social health and the flourishing of mankind. The Lambeth Awards shine a light on their outstanding efforts and dedication.”

The full list of this year's recipients, in alphabetical order, is below: 

Canon Peter Adams - the Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For his leadership, inspiration and practical action in the field of reconciliation, interfaith cooperation and anti-extremism work in Luton, as well as nationally and internationall

Canon Linda Ali - the Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For her outstanding contribution to the cause of Racial Justice in society and in the Church of England over twenty-five years

Robin Baird-Smith - the Lanfranc Award for Education and Scholarship. For half-a-century’s work in religious publishing, publishing the works of Archbishops, Bishops, Popes, Cardinals, the Chief Rabbi, as well as many Anglican and Roman Catholic clergy.

Mr George Barber -  the Thomas Cranmer Award for Worship. For sustained excellence in his service to church music in Stockton-on-Tees and the Durham Diocese.

Caroline Boddington - the Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For her outstanding contribution in transforming the process of senior leadership development and appointment in the Church of England.

Dr Paolo Cesare Coniglio, OBE - the Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For outstanding service to the Church of England in Italy, particularly in negotiation of a successful agreement between the Italian state and the Associazione Chiesa d’Inghilterra.

Ken Costa - the Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For his outstanding contributions to the Church of England, not least in chairing the Lambeth Trust.

John Dean - the Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. For providing high quality training which, over time, has produced Christian leaders for both the Church and public life.

The Reverend Dr John Deane - the Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For his outstanding leadership in the Communion in the area of holistic mission, including leading the Anglican Board of Mission, Church of Australia, for over 20 years and playing a leading catalytic role in the formation of the Anglican Alliance.

The Reverend Cortland Fransella - the Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For outstanding service to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the community of Lambeth Palace over many years.

The Reverend David R. Gould - the Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For spearheading an award winning, innovative interfaith and peacebuilding work in Smethwick that has made a significant difference to interfaith relations in that area and beyond.

The Reverend Doctor Malcolm Guite - the Lanfranc Award for Education and Scholarship. For his outstanding multifaceted promotion of the Gospels through poetry, public speaking and scholarship.

The Reverend Raymond Hemingray - the Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For outstanding services to ecclesiastical law and the Church of England.

Brother Christopher John SSF - the Dunstan Award for Prayer and the Religious Life. For a lifetime of outstanding service through SSF across the Anglican Communion.

The Venerable Dr Hirini Kaa - the Lanfranc Award for Education and Scholarship. For outstanding service as a Church Historian and Theological Educator and for outstanding scholarship in the research and publication of the award-winning book Te Hahi Mihinare – The Maori Anglican Church.

The Reverend Canon John Kafwanka Kaoma - the Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For his outstanding leadership in the Anglican Communion as Director for Mission at the ACO, inspiring churches on engaging with the Marks of Mission and playing a leading role in envisioning the Season (Decade) of Intentional Discipleship.

Professor Amy-Jill Levine, Ph.D - the Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For developing awareness about Jesus’ Jewish identity and the Jewish contexts of the New Testament, and for unflagging education efforts in church and popular settings.

Ms Clair Malik, Mother of Deaf in Egypt - the Lanfranc Award for Education and Scholarship. For committing her whole life to the Education of Special Needs Children, especially the hearing impaired.

Lee Marshall - the Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For outstanding service to diversity and inclusion in the Church of England, particularly in the National Church Institutions.

Fiona Millican - the Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For her outstanding contribution to the strength, continuity and functionality of the Anglican Communion.

The Reverend Mark Yan Ying Sum Nam - the Langton Award for Community Service. For his outstanding contribution to raising the profile and participation of Chinese-heritage clergy and communities in the Church of England and commitment to serving the overseas Chinese diaspora, in particular those settling in the United Kingdom from Hong Kong.

The Reverend Canon Dr Mark Oakley - the Lanfranc Award for Education and Scholarship. For writing, speaking, leading conferences, study days and retreats, and being in huge demand for helping church people and those not of faith to understand the relationship between poetry and faith.

Dr Amy Orr-Ewing - the Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. For exceptional dedication, skill and insight in advocating for the good news of Jesus Christ and unflinching commitment that the church embodies the truth and grace of which it speaks.

Canon Elizabeth Paver - the Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For her outstanding contribution to the life of the Anglican Communion and of the Church of England as a past Vice-Chair of both the Anglican Consultative Council and of the General Synod’s House of Laity.

The Reverend Andrew Piaso - the Langton Award for Community Service. For long and outstanding service, largely on a voluntary basis, translating prayer books, the Bible, a basic dictionary, and children’s literacy books in local Solomon Island vernaculars.

Robert W. Radtke - the Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. Outstanding leadership in the Anglican Communion in the areas of humanitarian relief and social development, including leading Episcopal Relief & Development since 2005 and playing a leading catalytic role in the formation of the Anglican Alliance.

Mrs Margot Coleman Clotilde Riordan-Eva, MA - the Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For outstanding voluntary service as calligrapher to two Archbishops of Canterbury and to Lambeth Palace.

The Reverend Canon Terrie Robinson - the Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For outstanding and dedicated service to the Anglican Communion with over 16 years at the Anglican Communion Office supporting ecumenical and intra-Anglican dialogue, facilitating the Anglican Communion Networks and establishing the ACO Women’s Desk.

The Reverend Canon Malcolm Rogers - the Lambeth Cross for Ecumenism. For outstanding achievements as Chaplain of St Andrew’s Church Moscow and the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Apkrisiarios to the Patriarch of Moscow,

The Reverend Courtney Dale Sampson, MA, ThM - the Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For his life-long passionate dedication to reconciliation, human rights, prophetic witness and interfaith relationships.

Stephanie Taylor - The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For her outstanding contribution to the strength, continuity and functionality of the Anglican Communion.

The Reverend Canon Huw Thomas, MBE - the Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For outstanding and selfless service to Churches of the Anglican Communion.

George Verwer - the Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. For outstanding services to Christian ministry and evangelism.

Mrs Margot Coleman Clotilde Riordan-Eva, MA - the Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England
Mrs Margot Coleman Clotilde Riordan-Eva, MA - the Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England


  1. Citations for each of this year's recipients are here.
  2. The current Lambeth Awards began in 2016. Recipients are recognised for contributions to community service, worship, evangelism, interfaith cooperation, ecumenism and education.
7 min read