
  1. House of Lords UK internal market bill debate

    Archbishop Justin Welby's speech in Lords debate on UK Internal Market Bill


    Read the Archbishop's speech in today's House of Lords debate on the UK Internal Market Bill. ​​​

    3 min read
  2. ABC Synod Crop

    Archbishop of Canterbury's address to General Synod


    Read the Archbishop's address to Synod today. 

    4 min read
  3. Synod

    Archbishop Justin Welby's remarks during Windrush debate at General Synod


    Read the Archbishop's remarks during today's Synod debate on racism faced by black and minority ethnic Anglicans. 

    4 min read
  4. ABC Synod Crop

    Archbishop Justin Welby's presidential address to General Synod


    Read the Archbishop's presidential address to General Synod in London today. 

    15 min read
  5. UTC lecture

    Archbishop Justin Welby's lecture at United Theological College, Bengaluru


    Read the Archbishop's lecture at United Theological College, Bengaluru, today on the theme of 'Pastoral Care in a Rapidly Changing Society'. 


    17 min read
  6. Portrait of Archbishop Justin

    Archbishop of Canterbury delivers William Temple Foundation Annual Lecture


    Read the text of the Archbishop's lecture on the theme 'Reimagining Britain: Faith and the Common Good'. 

    26 min read
  7. Justin Welby in Hong Kong

    Archbishop of Canterbury's presidential address to the Anglican Consultative Council


    Read Archbishop Justin Welby's presidential address to ACC-17 in Hong Kong. 

    11 min read
  8. Deo Gloria

    Archbishop Justin Welby's Deo Gloria Trust lecture on evangelism and other faiths


    Read the text of Archbishop Justin Welby's Deo Gloria Trust lecture on the topic, 'Good news for everyone? Evangelism and other faiths'. 

    25 min read
  9. The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall

    Archbishop of Canterbury's speech for HRH The Prince of Wales's 50th anniversary


    Speech by the Archbishop at the Reception today marking the 50th Anniversary of the Investiture of HRH The Prince of Wales.

    3 min read
  10. Synod P Crop

    Archbishop of Canterbury's opens General Synod 'State of the Nation' debate


    The Archbishop of Canterbury's opening speech at his General Synod motion today asking for prayer and commitment to the poor and marginalised.

    8 min read