
  1. Archbishop's Passiontide talks

    Following the Will of God: Archbishop Justin’s Second Holy Week Lecture


    In his second Holy Week lecture at Canterbury Cathedral, Archbishop Justin reflected on the agony of Christ in Gethsemane and how we can follow His example to have faith in and submit to the will of God. 

    14 min read
  2. Archbishop's Passiontide talks

    Optimism alone can’t bear the weight of our lives: Archbishop Justin’s first Holy Week lecture


    In the first of his three Holy Week lectures at Canterbury Cathedral on Monday, Archbishop Jusitn reflected on the optimism of the crowds on Palm Sunday, and how optimism based on our own understanding falls short of the eternal hope provided by God. Read an abridged version of the talk below.

    11 min read
  3. Archbishop of Canterbury’s Presidential Address at ACC-18

    Archbishop of Canterbury’s Presidential Address at ACC-18


    Read the Archbishop’s presidential address on the first day of the Anglican Consultative Council meeting in Accra, Ghana.

    16 min read
  4. LLF speech

    Synod: Archbishop of Canterbury’s speech in Living in Love and Faith debate


    The Archbishop of Canterbury’s speech in Living in Love and Faith debate at General Synod on Wednesday 8th February 2023

    4 min read
  5. Archbishop delivers Loyal Address to The King

    Synod: Archbishop delivers Loyal Address to The King


    Read the text of the Archbishop’s Loyal Address to His Majesty The King, the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, on the occasion of his Accession to the Throne.  

    5 min read
  6. General Synod February 2023 Presidential Address

    General Synod: Presidential address from Archbishop Justin Welby


    Read the text of Archbishop Justin Welby's Presidential address to General Synod. 

    13 min read
  7. Ecumenical prayer for peace south sudan

    Archbishop Justin's address at the Ecumenical Prayer for Peace Vigil, South Sudan


    Archbishop Justin addresses 50,000 people at the Ecumenical Prayer for Peace Vigil in Juba, South Sudan, with Pope Francis and Moderator Iain. 

    4 min read
  8. Archbishop at meeting in Juba

    Archbishop urges South Sudan’s leaders to make peace


    Addressing a gathering of Authorities, Civil Society and Diplomatic Corps at the Presidential Palace of Juba yesterday, the Archbishop of Canterbury appealed to South Sudan’s leaders to do more to achieve peace.

    5 min read
  9. Reimagining Care Report Launch

    Archbishop Justin's speech at the Reimagining Care Commission Launch Event


    Archbishop Justin spoke at the Reimagining Care Commission Report Launch. The Archbishops of Canterbury and York commissioned the report which sets out a radical and inspiring vision for England’s social care system.

    7 min read
  10. Black and white Canterbury Crest

    Her Late Majesty The Queen: Archbishop gives Condolence Address to the Lords


    Read the Archbishop of Canterbury's address to the House of Lords this morning. 

    4 min read