
  1. An image of The Most Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, giving a sermon at a service to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the RNLI at Westminster Abbey. Photo: Dean and Chapter of Westminster/Picture Partnership. 4th March 2024.

    Archbishop's sermon to celebrate 200 years of the RNLI


    Archbishop Justin Welby gave a sermon to celebrate the RNLI's 200th anniversary at Westminster Abbey.

    6 min read
  2. The Archbishop of Canterbury logo

    'Glory's great light holds within it justice' - Archbishop's sermon for Racial Justice Sunday


    Archbishop Justin delivered a sermon for Racial Justice Sunday at Westminster Abbey.

    5 min read
  3. Archbishop delivers sermon in Rome

    'We must find ways of being joyful in our disagreement'- The Archbishop's Sermon at San Bartolomeo all'Isola


    The Archbishop delivers a sermon at San Bartolomeo all'Isola in Rome, urging Christian unity. 

    10 min read
  4. Christmas Sermon

    The Archbishop of Canterbury's Christmas Sermon 2023


    Read Archbishop Justin Welby's Christmas Day sermon preached at Canterbury Cathedral this morning.

    7 min read
  5. Archbishop Justin Welby delivering a sermon in St George's Cathedral, Jerusalem

    ‘Blessed are those whose hope is in God’ - Archbishop’s sermon in Jerusalem


    Read the Archbishop’s sermon at St George’s Cathedral this morning on the final day of his pastoral visit to Jerusalem.

    12 min read
  6. Archbishop Justin giving his sermon at the Cathedral of St John the Divine in Harlem, New York

    'The Church cannot flourish without religious community' - Archbishop Justin in NYC


    The Archbishop of Canterbury has preached about the importance of religious communities in a special sermon in New York City. 

    10 min read
  7. The Coronation of King Charles III

    The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Sermon for The Coronation of King Charles III


    Read the full text of The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Sermon for The Coronation of Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla

    3 min read
  8. Archbishop Justin's Easter sermon sung eucharist Canterbury cathedral

    Archbishop Justin's Easter sermon at Canterbury Cathedral Sung Eucharist


    The Archbishop's sermon at the 11am Easter Day Sung Eucharist, at Canterbury Cathedral on 9th April 2023

    10 min read
  9. sermonEaster2023

    Archbishop Justin's sermon at Easter Day Holy Communion, Canterbury Cathedral


    The Archbishop of Canterbury's Easter sermon preached during the 8.10am service of Holy Communion at Canterbury Cathedral, and broadcast on Radio 4 on 9th April 2023. 

    6 min read
  10. Service of Reconciliation at Cape Coast

    'The Gospel is freedom' - Archbishop preaches at Cape Coast in Ghana


    Read the Archbishop's homily at a Service of Reconciliation at Christ Church Cathedral on Ghana's Cape Coast this morning. 



    6 min read