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Justin Welby
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Archbishop Justin and the other five Presidents of Churches Together in England released a statement today following the killing yesterday of Father Jacques Hamel in Rouen, France.
Following media reports about his biological father, the Archbishop of Canterbury has released this personal statement.
Archbishop Justin Welby condemned the terrorist attacks and said the people of London are responding with "courage, resilience and determination".
The Archbishop of Canterbury has appointed Rt Revd Anthony Poggo, currently Bishop of Kajo-Keji in South Sudan, as his new Adviser for Anglican Communion Affairs.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has given his strong support to the work of community-based responses to the global AIDS epidemic.
Jesus sees people as of infinite value whatever their debt or credit position, says Archbishop
Archbishop of Canterbury gives speech on foreign affairs in the House of Lords
Archbishop Justin welcomes the announcement of the Revd Libby Lane as the new Bishop of Stockport.
Archbishop Justin Welby has become the debt charity's first patron.
The Revd Mark Poulson has been appointed to serve as the Secretary for Inter-Religious Affairs to the Archbishop of Canterbury and National Inter-Religious Affairs Adviser for the Church of England.