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The Archbishop spoke at the Transition Pathway Initiative – Asset Owners State of Transition Climate Summit in London this morning.
Archbishop Justin is the Christmas week castaway on Radio 4's Desert Island Discs with interviewer Kirsty Young.
Archbishop Justin Welby and Shaykh Dr Ahmad al-Tayyeb commit to 'build bridges of peace' on first day of the Grand Imam's two-day visit with the Archbishop.
Archbishop thankful for Her Majesty’s ‘ceaseless and faithful service’
Archbishop Justin and Pope Francis issued a Common Declaration today. The Archbishop is in Rome to join in celebrations to mark 50 years of closer and deeper relationships between the Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church.
Archbishop Justin Welby hosted the Grand Imam to discuss how religious leaders can address conflict and help societies thrive.
Archbishop Justin and Patriarch Bartholomew issue joint statement on modern slavery at forum in Istanbul.