Nominations are now open for the 2019 Michael Ramsey Prize for contemporary theological writing. Readers have until 30 April 2018 to put forward their favourite new titles of the past three years (published between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2017).
Designed to celebrate the most promising contemporary theological writing from the global Church, the Prize applauds books that help the Church to think more deeply, act more wisely, and witness more effectively. By shining a spotlight on emerging authors, the Prize seeks to encourage a wider readership of theology and greater engagement and discussion of theological ideas.
Previous winners include John Swinton for his book Dementia; Luke Bretherton for the book Christianity and Contemporary Politics; and Fr. Timothy Radcliffe OP for What is the point of being a Christian. The winner will receive £10,000, and shortlisted authors will each receive £1,000.
The award, which is sponsored by the Lambeth Trust, commemorates Lord Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1961 to 1974, who was well known as a theologian, educator, and advocate of Christian unity. His own books include The Glory of God and the Transfiguration published in 1949, which he declared to be the favourite book he had written.
The purpose of the Michael Ramsey Prize is to celebrate and encourage both the writing and reading of theology, with a special focus on emerging theological authors.
The competition has a global reach, and accepts nominations of works by non-British authors, as long as they have been translated into English. The organisers hope that this will help to bring new and previously unknown authors to the forefront of contemporary theological debate.
All eligible nominations will be read by a team of readers and the shortlist for the award will be announced early in 2019. A team of judges appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury will review these books and announce the winner at the Greenbelt Festival in August 2019.
SPCK administer the Prize on behalf of the Lambeth Trust. Find out more at www.michaelramseyprize.org.uk