What would happen if every Christian felt inspired and able share the love of Jesus with their friends, neighbours, colleagues and communities? What kind of transformation would that bring in families, societies and nations around the world?
Thy Kingdom Come started in 2016, when Archbishop Justin Welby and Archbishop John Sentamu invited every parish in the Church of England to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for people to come to know the love of Jesus Christ. The response was astonishing: churches up and down the country got involved. Over a hundred thousand people took part.
Prayer moves us closer not only to God, but to one another. It connects us with those whom we otherwise cannot see. Prayer breaks down division, in prayer we take each other’s hands and find our safe stronghold.
Archbishop Justin Welby

By the following year every diocese in the Church of England was involved. But it didn’t stop there. Christians in more than 85 countries – from over 50 denominations and traditions – joined in, whether it was hosting a prayer event, attending a gathering, or sharing the message online.
Thy Kingdom Come is on the way to becoming a global movement of Christians from different countries, traditions and churches united in prayer.
Find out more about Thy Kingdom Come and sign up for 2018: www.thykingdomcome.global