Anglican Primates at Canterbury Cathedral, 14 January 2016

The Archbishop of Canterbury is asking people to pray for the Primates of the Anglican Communion who will be meeting in Canterbury on 11-16 January 2016. The leaders of the 38 Anglican provinces will be at the gathering, which was called by Archbishop Justin Welby in September last year.

Archbishop Justin Welby says: “As we approach the Primates’ meeting we need to recognise that we’re going to be dealing with some very, very difficult issues - within the life of the Anglican Communion but also hugely difficult issues that are affecting the whole church of Christ and our whole world. 

"What I would ask people to pray for more than anything else is wisdom and love. That the love of Christ for each of us, for each of us who are sinners, each of us who fail, will so overwhelm us that we are able to love each other as we should. And wisdom that we may know the call and purpose of God and in love and wisdom serve his world in the way he calls us to.”

The agenda will be set by common agreement with all Primates. It is likely to include the issues of religiously-motivated violence, the protection of children and vulnerable adults, the environment, and human sexuality.

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