
Peacebuilding is creating an architecture through which peace can develop: processes, structures, relationships and values that lead towards - even incentivise - non-violent action and disagreeing well, reducing or removing the drivers of violent conflict.

It points to the peace that Christians believe Jesus has enabled in our relationship with God and which he will bring to the world. Making peace is a key part of the identity of the God we follow. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says ‘blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.’ When we create peace, we show our family resemblance, mirroring God’s own identity.

The Peacebuilding team at Lambeth Palace supports the Church in being a reconciling presence in the midst of conflict, by strengthening Archbishop Justin’s role as a mediator and reconciler around the world. This is through:

  • Archbishop Justin’s role on the UN Secretary General’s High Level Advisory Board for Mediation
  • Solidarity with local churches caught in violent conflict
  • Amplifying voices of local peacemakers
  • Pastoral guidance for world leaders
  • Convening dialogue, including with private sector and non-state actors connected with conflict
  • Conflict analysis for Church programmes in areas of conflict

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