News and Statements

The latest news from the Archbishop of Canterbury.
  1. Portugal picture by plaque

    Archbishop of Canterbury visits the Lusitanian Church in Portugal


    Archbishop visits Portugal to support and celebrate the Lusitanian church. 

    1 min read
  2. The Archbishop of Canterbury logo

    'Glory's great light holds within it justice' - Archbishop's sermon for Racial Justice Sunday


    Archbishop Justin delivered a sermon for Racial Justice Sunday at Westminster Abbey.

    5 min read
  3. Archbishop Justin meeting people directly affected by the war in Ukraine

    ‘This is not likely to stop soon,’ – Archbishop Justin’s calls for long term support for people of Ukraine


    The Archbishop of Canterbury speaks of the need for long-term support for the people of Ukraine as he saw first-hand the physical and psychological toll of war almost two years after the full-scale invasion.

    4 min read
  4. Archbishop Justin visits Ukraine

    Ukraine: Archbishop calls for renewed support from people in western countries


    Archbishop Justin is in Ukraine where he has been meeting with churches, politicians, charities and ordinary Ukranians, hearing firsthand about the devastating effects the war continues to have on them.

    3 min read
  5. The Archbishop of Canterbury logo

    Statement: In response to Prime Minister's Questions


    Read in full the statement issued today (Wednesday 7th February) by Archbishop Justin Welby following Prime Minister's Questions.

    1 min read
  6. Church of England logo

    Statement: Interim Theology Advisers


    The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have announced the appointment of a new interim Theology Adviser, the Revd Canon Dr Jessica Martin, to work alongside the Revd Dr Tom Woolford.

    3 min read
  7. The Most Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, on board a train from Warsaw to Chelm on his way to Ukraine for a five-day visit. Photo: Lambeth Palace, 5 February 2024.

    Archbishop of Canterbury returns to Ukraine


    Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, arrives in Ukraine at the start of a five-day visit as the country prepares to mark the second anniversary of the Russian full-scale invasion.

    2 min read
  8. Archbishop gives speech at NC24 conference

    Archbishop's Speech at the 2024 National Education Conference


    Archbishop of Canterbury delivers keynote speech at the 2024 National Education Conference.

    11 min read
  9. The logo for the Archbishops of Canterbury and York

    Statement from the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York


    A statement thanking Bishop Helen-Ann.

    2 min read
  10. Archbishop Justin speaking at the RSA

    Keynote address: ‘Embracing Courage’ at the Royal Society of Arts


    Archbishop Justin gave a keynote address at the Royal Society of Arts, the first of a series of keynote addresses by leading public figures in 2024 on their annual theme of ‘Courage’. 

    17 min read