
“The death of Bishop David Pytches is first of all a great loss to his beloved wife, Mary, his children and grandchildren, and his innumerable friends. Bishop David made the name of Christ known globally and locally: from the Diocese of Chile, Bolivia and Peru, where he was Bishop until 1977, to Chorleywood in Hertfordshire, where he served as vicar.
“Following the visits of John Wimber in the 1980s, Bishop David responded with courage and faith to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Not only was there remarkable renewal at Chorleywood, but through the starting of the New Wine conferences a global renewal movement took shape. David's faith and vision, willingness to appoint superb colleagues, and love for Jesus Christ has had a huge and lasting effect on the churches of this land and all over the world.
“Many people, including myself, Caroline and the family, had transformative encounters with Jesus through New Wine.
“He truly was a gift to the Church. Even as we grieve his passing, we praise God for his life. May he Rest In Peace and Rise In Glory. May he dwell with the God of eternal life forever.”