Archbishop of Canterbury announces 2021 Lambeth Awards


Archbishop Justin Welby has today announced the recipients of the 2021 Lambeth Awards for outstanding contributions to the Church and society. 


Lambeth Awards


The Archbishop of Canterbury has today announced the recipients of the 2021 Lambeth Awards. The awards, which recognise outstanding contributions to the Church and wider society, have been given to over 30 individuals. They include scientists, musicians, academics, activists, peacemakers, doctors and clergy.

The recipients span the globe and the breadth of Church life, and beyond. They include Isaac Borquaye, the MOBO Award-winning rapper and author, better known as Guvna B; Elizabeth Harris-Sawczenko, former Director of the Council of Christians and Jews, and the Most Revd Danial Deng Bul, former Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan.

Archbishop Justin Welby said: “During the pandemic, we have seen just how vital the contribution of churches is to the fabric of our society. As well as finding creative ways to worship together safely, churches have been feeding the hungry, reaching out to the lonely and offering hope to those struggling in the midst of the crisis.

“This year’s Lambeth Awards recipients, not all of whom are Christians, embody this spirit of service - not just during the pandemic but, for many of them, through decades of faithful work. I commend them and their efforts, and look forward to the time when we meet to celebrate their contributions to society.”

Archbishops of Canterbury have long recognised outstanding individuals for their efforts, and the current form of the Lambeth Awards was developed in 2016.

This year's recipients are listed below in alphabetical order by surname. The full citations are available to read here.


The 2021 Lambeth Awards 

Dave Bagley MBE – The Langton Award for Community Service. For outstanding Christian social care, serving over 22,000 of the most vulnerable people in Bolton.

Kerry Beaumont – The Thomas Cranmer Award for Worship. For outstanding service to music and worship at the cathedrals of St Davids, Ripon and Coventry, with particular reference at Coventry to outreach, recruitment and nurture of boy and girl choristers to create a cathedral choir with diversity at its heart.

Isaac Borquaye, more commonly known as Guvna B – The Alphege Award for Evangelism and witness. For being an outstanding, faithful and vibrant witness to Jesus Christ using his gifts and the medium of recording, performance and video to proclaim the good news.

Dr John Bowen – The Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. For his attractive articulation of the love of God for all people, with a particular heart for those who have not yet heard the name of Jesus, and for his mentoring and discipling of Christian leaders.

The Most Reverend Danial Deng Bul – The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For his outstanding ability to mobilise different religious, political and tribal groups for peace and reconciliation.

Sir Christopher Clarke – The Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For his outstanding legal service to the Church of England, including his contribution to the successful outcome of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Commission on the relations between the Deaneries of Jersey and Guernsey and the rest of the Church of England.

The Revd Richard Coles – The Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. For outstanding witness as an admired and popular Christian presence in the public arena.

Pippa Cramer – The Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. For her exceptional work in finding creative ways of bringing God’s love to the over 65s.

Charles George QC – The Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For his unique contribution to the application and development of ecclesiastical law.

The Reverend Aidan Harker – The Lambeth Cross for Ecumenism. For his wholehearted, wide-ranging and sustained commitment to ecumenism.

Elizabeth Harris-Sawczenko – The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For outstanding work promoting Jewish-Christian dialogue in the UK, balanced and nuanced discussion of Israel-Palestine, the rights and diversity of Christians of Israel, and Arab-Israeli rights in Israel.

Archbishop Colin Johnson – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For extraordinary efforts and leadership in sustaining communion through initiating ongoing dialogue amongst Bishops across the Anglican Communion – especially Canada, Africa, the UK and the USA – following Lambeth 2008 through to 2020.

The Reverend Canon Dr. Isaac Kawuki Mukasa – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For extraordinary efforts and leadership in sustaining communion through initiating ongoing dialogue amongst Bishops across the Anglican Communion – especially Canada, Africa, the UK and the USA – following Lambeth 2008 through to 2020.   

Bruce Kent and Dr Valerie Flessati – The Lambeth Cross for Ecumenism. For exceptional, tireless and lifelong dedication to the Christian ecumenical search for peace, both individually and together.

Professor Kwok Pui-lan – The Lanfranc Award for Education and Scholarship. For outstanding leadership and contribution to Asian Feminist and Post-Colonial Theology rooted in an Anglican ecclesiology.

Rupert Lang, BMus, MA (Cantab) – The Thomas Cranmer Award for Worship. For more than forty years as an outstanding organist and choir director, Rupert Lang’s innovative and beautiful compositions have enhanced the liturgy and mission of the Church and extended the reach of Canadian liturgical music to secular audiences around the world.

The Reverend Peter Laurence OAM – The Lanfranc Award for Education and Scholarship. For his achievements in making an Anglican education accessible for thousands of Australian families, through establishing and expanding a national network of low-fee Anglican schools; and for his dedication in representing Anglican schools nationally, including his leadership in the development of work on Anglican identity in schools.

The late Archbishop Paolino Lukudu Loro – The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For consistently demonstrating exceptional commitment to the defence of human rights and contributing to peace and ecumenism in South Sudan (1983-2019).

Canon Rachel Mash – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For raising awareness of and the urgent need to implement the Fifth Mark of Mission in the Anglican Communion.

The Reverend Dr Brendan McCarthy – The Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For outstanding work in his capacity as the Church of England’s Medical Ethics, Health and Social Care Policy Adviser during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Revd Bassi Mirzania – The Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. For her nearly 20 years’ tireless and exceptional service as founding Chaplain to the Persian/Iranian community in Great Britain.

The Reverend Omid Moludy – The Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. For the outstanding role that he has played in evangelism and discipleship amongst ethnically diverse communities.

Esmé Page – The Langton Award for Community Service. For answering the call to provide holidays of hope to residents and firefighters who experienced the trauma and loss of the terrible fire in Grenfell Tower.

Bishop Luke Lungile Pato – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For outstanding lifelong service to the Church and society through theological education as well as in ecumenical relations.                                                                     

Bishop David Pytches – The Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. For exceptional contributions to the renewal of the Church’s capacity for evangelism and witness through the founding of the New Wine and Soul Survivor Christian festivals and the pioneering practice of church planting.

Reverend Professor Gina Radford – The Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For outstanding work providing medical advice for churches and the Church of England’s senior leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Catriona Robertson – The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For her outstanding contribution to interfaith relations, which has enriched and deepened relationships of trust between faiths at every level from grass roots to international.

The Reverend Philip D Roderick – The Dunstan Award for Prayer and Spirituality. For his outstanding contribution to the development of contemplative prayer in the UK and abroad, by his vision and inspiration in founding and establishing the Quiet Garden Movement, the community of Contemplative Fire, and Hidden Houses of Prayer.

Dr Hilary Russell – The Langton Award for Community Service. For her exceptional work initiating and supporting the social justice ministry of the Church and the churches – particularly relating to sustainable and affordable food policy in Liverpool – over many decades.

The Most Reverend Daniel Yinkah Sarfo – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For an outstanding and selfless contribution over 40 years to the life and witness of churches of the Anglican Communion, especially in West Africa and specifically Ghana.

Mr Desmond Arnold Scott – The Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. For his passion for social justice and working for people and communities to have the opportunity to attain their full potential.

Hany Abadir Shafik – The Langton Award for Community Service. For his outstanding Christian contribution to health care in Egypt.

Umesh Chander Sharma – The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For his exceptionally committed civic service fostering good inter faith relationships, both locally and nationally.

Caroline Spencer – The Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For exceptional service to Canterbury Diocese and the wider Church of England for over 36 years.

Ms Sarwat Tasneem – The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. Sarwat has made outstanding contributions to deeper understandings across faith communities and been a pioneer of female, Shia Muslim engagement across communities.

The late Bishop Ellinah Wamukoya – The Langton Award for Community Service. For outstanding leadership in the area of sustainable development and Creation Care in the Diocese of Swaziland (Eswatini).

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