
The Archbishop of Canterbury has today announced the recipients of the 2022 Lambeth Awards. They are given to people within the Church of England, the wider Anglican Communion, other Christian churches, as well as to those of other faiths and none. Musicians, activists, clergy, peacemakers and educators are included, alongside people whose quiet dedication to their work hasn’t drawn the public eye. Those honoured work in countries from Burundi to Finland, and the USA to Brazil. The recipients include:
- Pakistani Priest and educator The Revd Rana Youab Khan – The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For his support of and service to the Anglican Communion and interfaith dialogue.
- Musician and conductor Ms Karen Gibson – The Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. For the powerful witness of the Kingdom Choir to the love, faithfulness and joy of the gospel across the world.
- Bishop and evangelist The Rt Revd Nathaniel Garang Anyieth, Bishop Emeritus of the Episcopal Diocese of Bor – The Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. During the 21 years of civil war in South Sudan, Bishop Nathaniel led as churches multiplied, many pastors were ordained and the increasing number of congregations grew in size.
- Theologian and Astrophysicist The Revd Professor David Wilkinson – The Lanfranc Award for Education and Scholarship. For his outstanding contribution as a communicator and thinker, bringing together science and Christian faith in full dialogue in the public square.
- Founder of Messy Church Mrs Lucy Moore – The Alphege Award for Evangelism & Witness. For the enormous impact of the gospel on the lives of children and families, through Messy Church.
Announcing the awards, the Archbishop said, “The world around us is not as it should be. There is grave injustice and we currently face war in Europe, while Covid-19 continues to cause much grief. But we do not despair. Our faith in Jesus teaches us that we are justified in maintaining hope. One thing which feeds that hope is the work and service of the people we recognise today.”
25 of the recipients and their families and colleagues were at Lambeth Palace today to celebrate the awards, where they joined in a special service of Evening Prayer. The Archbishop added, “Many of those receiving an award have worked quietly, discreetly and are known only to a few. They have worked for justice and reconciliation, for the relief of poverty, for the extension of the Kingdom of God, for the advancement of education for all, for understanding between denominations and faiths, for authenticity in worship and prayer on behalf of this broken world. These awards represent an opportunity to acknowledge their valuable work. I present them on behalf of the Church of England but also, I hope, on behalf of people of goodwill everywhere.”
The current Lambeth Awards began in 2016. Recipients are recognised for contributions to community service, worship, evangelism, interfaith cooperation, ecumenism and education.
Read the citations for each of this year's recipients here.
Pictures available on request – please credit Alex Baker / Lambeth Palace.
The full list of this year's recipients, in alphabetical order, is below:
Charlie Arbuthnot – The Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For outstanding contribution to the Church of England in chairing the Archbishops’ Commission on Housing, Church and Community.
The Right Reverend Victor Atta-Bafoe PhD DD - The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For outstanding lifelong service to the Church and Society through Theological Education and Ecumenical Relations
The Right Reverend Marinez Rosa dos Santos BASSOTTO – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For outstanding service to support the Communion’s role in creation care and climate justice, lifting the voice of indigenous peoples.
Mrs Marion Dawson Carr - The Langton Award for Community Service. For outstanding lifelong service to the Church and society through humanitarian work and volunteerism.
The Reverend Stephen Dinsmore – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For his service as National Director of SOMA UK to many of the least visited and most vulnerable dioceses in the Anglican Communion.
Dr Andrew Earis – The Thomas Cranmer Award for Worship. For extraordinary musical ministry during the pandemic, supporting the Church of England by sourcing and recording music for the weekly online services every week and curating selections of music suitable for use in local parishes’ live or online services.
The Reverend Bonnie Evans-Hills – The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For her decades-long passionate dedication to building interfaith relationships at local, national and international level for the sake of a better world.
Rt Rev Nathaniel Garang Anyieth, Bishop Emeritus of the Episcopal Diocese of Bor – The Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. During the 21 years of civil war in South Sudan, Bishop Nathaniel converted thousands to Christianity from amongst atheist and animist populations.
Ms Karen Gibson – The Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. For the powerful witness of the Kingdom Choir to the love, faithfulness and joy of the Gospel across the world.
Sir Mark Hedley – The Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For outstanding service to the diocese of Liverpool and the Anglican Church as a Chancellor and Lay Reader.
Robert Jackson – The Langton Award for Community Service. For his outstanding leadership of a wide range of services that support some of the most vulnerable young people in the UK.
Mr Sanjay Jagatia – The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For being a selfless religious visionary leader propagating peace, serving society through spiritual inspiration, and promoting interfaith engagement, cohesion, and dialogue in the UK and across the World.
Declan Gerard Kelly – The Lanfranc Award for Education and Scholarship. For establishing the vision for, championing the approval of, and then delivering the realisation of, the new Lambeth Palace Library.
Ms Kaneez Khan MBE – The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For outstanding commitment to building better community relations between people from different faith traditions.
Revd Rana Youab Khan – The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For his support of and service to the Anglican Communion and interfaith dialogue.
The Lay Canon Andrew Khoo LLB AKC – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For outstanding service to support the Communion’s pandemic response, including through the Global Covid-19 Task Force.
Mrs Claudette Kigeme – The Langton Award for Community Service. For outstanding work in one of the poorest countries of the world, Burundi, enabling over 78,000 people transform their lives.
Geraldine Latty BA (Hons), ARSCM – The Thomas Cranmer Award for Worship. For her significant contribution to music in Christian worship, as a singer-songwriter, worship leader, choir director, teacher and recording artist.
Suzanne Lawson – The Langton Award for Community Service. For outstanding lay leadership at every level of Anglican life and non-profit community service and volunteer administration.
Canon Delene Mark – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For outstanding service to support the Communion’s pandemic response, including through the Global Covid-19 Task Force.
Mr Adam Matthews – The Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England. For exceptional work to develop the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) bringing $40 trillion of investable funds together in a global, asset-owner led initiative which assesses companies’ preparedness for the transition to a low carbon economy.
Mrs Lucy Moore – The Alphege Award Evangelism & Witness. For the enormous impact of the gospel on the lives of children and families, through the ministry of Messy Church.
The Most Reverend Julio E Murray Thompson – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For outstanding service to support the Communion’s role in creation care and climate justice.
Miss Patricia M Neill – the Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness. For her leadership of the global Alpha organisation, over 25 years, with the number of courses run each year growing from 200 to 35,000 during this period.
Nagulan Nesiah – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For outstanding service to support the Communion’s pandemic response, including through the Global Covid-19 Task Force.
The Reverend Barry Nichols – The Langton Award for Community Service. For outstanding lifelong service to the Church and wider society through volunteerism.
The Rt. Rev’d Professor Stephen Pickard – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For his significant service to the Anglican Communion as a theologian, teacher and bishop, and in particular in his service of the Inter-Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission and the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order.
The Right Reverend Dr Philip Poole DD – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For outstanding leadership and support of the Compass Rose Society, Princess Basma Centre, Jerusalem, and St. George’s College, Jerusalem.
Canon Vinay K Samuel – The Lanfranc Award for Education and Scholarship. For outstanding service in the field of theological education to prepare and train Church leaders in the Global South and beyond.
Dr Sally Smith – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For outstanding service to support the Communion’s pandemic response, including through the Global Covid-19 Task Force.
Ruth Tetlow – The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation. For her outstanding contribution to interfaith relations in Birmingham over four decades.
Paul Thaxter – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For his outstanding contribution to sustaining and strengthening the bonds of love and unity across the Anglican Communion.
Hon Dr Vesa V Viitaniemi – The Lanfranc Award for Education and Scholarship. For his outstanding, continuous efforts to support and develop education, especially in Africa.
The Reverend Pauline Walker – The Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion. For almost 44 years of missionary endeavour in Sudan and South Sudan through which she stimulated the development and training of a new generation of Christian leaders, many of whom are bishops today.
The Reverend Dr George Westhaver – The Dunstan Award for Prayer and the Religious Life. For his outstanding service as Principal of Pusey House since 2013 and for keeping up the witness of the Church to the World before and through the pandemic.
The Reverend Professor David Wilkinson – The Lanfranc Award for Education and Scholarship. For his outstanding contribution as a communicator and thinker, bringing together Science and Christian faith in full dialogue in the public square.